Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meridian Dairy Days

We took our little family to Dairy Days this year. It was the first time we were all there and Grandma was gracious enough to come too. It was so much fun! I know it seems lame to some, but we truly had such a great time. Makenzie couldn't believe that all she had to do was hold her hands out and she would get FOOD! (The chocolate milk was the best)

Stone-cold Mason:)
Not-so-stone-cold Mason:)

He didn't love the loud cars or horns, the made him cry. He and Grandma got a good thing going, she would snuggle him in and cover his ears. After that, he was good to go:)

We love Grandma!

We were also so excited our dear friends the Pflegers came too! Elle is one of Makenzie's dear friends. The laughed and giggled all night.

My Family from WiddlyTinks.com

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