Monday, February 15, 2010

Christmas Morning and beyond:)

Here we are Christmas morning. This was the first year Makenzie ever really understood how cool Christmas is. It was really fun to watch her.

Stocking time!

Just chillin....

Here Mason is with Papa George. He is the only Grandpa Mason will ever know. Mason was so comfy and warm, he was almost asleep. I wish we had more pics of Drews side of the family!

Here is a true right of passage for Drew. We were up Christmas Eve and he was putting together Makenzie's first bike. It was so cute. I can't believe we have a child old enough to be doing this:) She LOVES her new bike!

Christmas day, Austin and Andra went out to play T-ball with her new Minnie Mouse Tball set. They are SO good to her and she loves them SO much!

A man's work is never done... here Drew is scooping poop that morning before everyone came over. He hates this as much as I hate ironing:) And that is A LOT!

Corinna didn't get a dolly for Christmas:( (those are scissors in her hands)

Here I am making my pastry wreath for Christmas dinner that was at our house. I LOVED having it here this year. I would do it ever year. It doesn't get any better than having so many people you love under your roof.

Mason smiles SO much. I love it! Funny guy!

Mak loves her little brother. Really, she is always so helpful and never jealous. We are very blessed with how great she has been. I can't wait until he is old enough to play with her.

Here is T Man and Makenzie getting ready to go play in the snow. They are so fun together:)

That's right, I went out too!

Here Grandma is getting him to smile:)

Here we girls are being silly. I had pulled out some of the bows I make for Makenzie and we all put them on and starting being fabulous! Love it:)


Kat said...

Crystal! How do I buy a bunch of bows and flowers from you? Do you have a website or do I need to actually pick up the phone and call you? That'd be crazy ;)

Jennis said...

Does that mean I have time to post my Christmas as well? I love it. Your house looks like it's so pretty and your wreath looks festive and delicious!! too cute. :) My verification word is "dingie" that's funny too.